Fee Options
Compensation for our professional services can be arranged in the following manner:
Hourly Rates
- Our firm can charge a reasonable hourly fee plus expenses for genealogical and investigative services. Time is billed in 15 minute increments. Expenses include but are not limited to; long distance phone calls, copies, faxes, certified documentation, postage and mileage. Services can be retained with an initial (10) hours. This option usually works best in cases where the heirs are unknown and a Genealogical Report or Due Diligence is required.
Flat Fee
- Simple searches such as locating a beneficiary or missing heir can be done with a pre-negotiated flat fee after reviewing case.
Contingency Fee
- When preferable, our firm can negotiate directly with the unknown or missing heirs for compensation. With this option there is no charge to the estate or personal representative for our services. After locating the heir(s), a detailed genealogical report is produced for the court complete with charts and documentation.
Contact Us
Email: Trish@Champion-Champion.com
Phone: (800) 239-6369, (210) 408-1180
Fax: (210) 408-1188
Champion & Champion
14207 Emerald Hill Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78231-1734